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5 Signs Your Rash Is Actually Psoriasis

A rash is uncomfortable, unsightly, and concerning if it keeps reappearing. How can you tell if you’re suffering from a rash caused by environmental factors or allergies or a more severe condition requiring help from an expert dermatologist?

Douglass Forsha, MD, and his team of specialists at Jordan Valley Dermatology Center in South Jordan, Utah, can accurately diagnose the cause of your rash and provide effective treatments for conditions like psoriasis.

Understanding psoriasis 

Psoriasis is a chronic condition characterized by an overproduction of skin cells. These cells build up in various places on your body, causing redness and a silvery, scaly rash. It is caused by immune dysregulation. 

There are a few types of psoriasis, ranging from mild redness and scaling to areas of skin covered with pus-filled blisters. Dr. Forsha performs a physical evaluation and possibly a biopsy to confirm your diagnosis. 

Patches of psoriasis tend to flare up intermittently. It is an autoimmune disease caused by your body rather than any external factor. The exact cause of psoriasis isn’t fully understood, but genetics, obesity, and HIV can put you at increased risk. 

Stress, exposure to allergens, and environmental toxins can also cause flare-ups. Dr. Forsha can help you identify flare-up risk factors and create a management plan.

5 signs of psoriasis 

Psoriasis is underdiagnosed, so it often goes untreated. It seems like a mild rash or skin condition at first and most patients try to calm it with lotions and topical ointments. When these things don’t improve your symptoms, you feel confused and concerned.  

This is when it’s important to know the key signs of psoriasis. Here are five things to look for: 

  1. Plaques, patches, or red and scaly skin 
  2. Pitted, discolored, or deteriorating nails
  3. A dry, itchy, and bleeding scalp 
  4. Pus-filled blisters on your hands and feet 
  5. Shiny skin under the arms and around your groin

On darker skin, psoriasis might appear dark brown, purple, or silvery. While there is no simple cure, getting diagnosed is the first step to finding a treatment plan that works for you. 

Finding the right treatment 

There have been major advances in the treatment of psoriasis.  Patients can have completely skin.  At Jordan Valley Dermatology Center, Dr. Forsha and his team identify which type of psoriasis you have and then work with you to approach the problem from multiple angles. 

Patients benefit by having  a plan to prevent flare-ups and manage their symptoms. For example, we recommend: 

To learn more about psoriasis and identify the real cause behind your rash, call Jordan Valley Dermatology Center at 801-335-6728.

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